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Max Streicher
Pneumatic Sculpture / Installations
Exhibition Brochures / Essays
Exhibition: Sleeping Giants
Karlskoga Konsthall, Karlskoga, Sweden, 2000.
SAW Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario, 2000.
Essay by Marcus Miller:
The Dream of Giants
(Strange bodies of Max Streicher)

Exhibition: Sleeping Giants (Silenus)
Confederation Centre, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, 2010.
Essay by Ihor Holubizky:
Max Streicher: Sleeping Giants (Silenus)

Exhibition: Max Streicher
The Koffler Centre of the Arts, Toronto, Ontario, 1996.
Essay by John Massier:
I Sing the Body Tyvek

Exhibition: Du lilliputien au gigantesque: l’imaginaire de la démesure.
Musée Régional de Rimouski, Rimouski, Quebec, 2003.
Artists: Max Streicher and Éric Lamontagne.
Essay: Véronique Bellemare Brière

Exhibition: logocity
Blackwood Gallery, U or Toronto Mississauga, Ontario, 2000.
Artists: Ron Benner, Peter Bowyer, Corinne Carlson, Robin Collyer, Fastwürms, Robert Fones, Greg Hefford, Germaine Koh, David Kramer, Arnaud Maggs, Kelly Mark, Bernie Miller, Max Streicher.
Curatror: Barbara Fischer

Exhibition: Version City
University of Buffalo Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, 1998.
Artists: Daniel Bowden, Roger Carter, Karma Clarke-Davis, Reid Diamond, Eric Glavin, Greg Hefford, Karen Henderson, Nestor Kruger, Luis Jacob, Susan Kealy, Anda Kubis, Stacy Lancaster, Euan MacDonald, Sally McKay, Jemmifer McMackon, Carl Skelton, Max Streicher, Rocco Turino.
Essay: John Massier.
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